
Saturday, March 9, 2019

5 astonishing and unique arrests of the world

5 astonishing and unique arrests of the world


The system of all countries of the world goes under the law. The violation of the law is considered a big crime. In almost all the laws of the world, the nature of any crime has been set up and the courts have the right to punish. Generally stolen, killing, spreading out, terrorizing. Bripping, corruption or something like this and some serious crimes are faced with almost all countries. But sometimes courts also hear sentences in such cases that are surprising. Today we will talk to the same people who have been arrested for a surprising reason.

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Banana Attack

You must have heard that people use scars or knives while fighting. But have you ever heard that someone with an attack on Banana should be attacked and subsequently arrested. This will not be less of any fun for you because when the American state was arrested by Phil Joseph Joseph, the biggest charge was asserted that he had attacked Baneras on close proximity to his close friend. According to his friend, when Philip broke his face, Philip targeted them with bananas. Philip was arrested by the charge of domestic violence, but he continued to deny that he did not attack Banana.

Arrested for pretending to be a ghost

Generally small children are called fines and jaws, fearing in this way is not a crime. But a 24-year-old American teenager was arrested due to a false motive by fearing people. It was actually a sign of alcohol in a cemetery that suddenly it came to some graves that came to the graves of their loved ones - he hid and started removing scary sounds. After all, when all the races seemed to be found, all the people got annoyed, and called the police and sent him to the jail. The young man was also punished on this move.

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Pizza lovers attack

An old man, who was arrested due to ordering a pizza, is also an interesting story behind this incident. The one who had gone to buy a pizza pizza order was new, who forgot to put garlic in pizza pizza. Due to that man this anger was very angry. He pizza that hit a strong punch on the face - it was a big reaction to a small mistake, because this man had to suffer from prison.

Spider hostage

When a friend belonging to Canonas put his pet spoon on a few days, he agreed. This is the year 2012. When his friend came to his house to sprinkle, his mind got a different idea and he betrayed his friend in front of his friend that he would shoot it with his gun if he did not raise the poisonous spider in his hands. . He had to do so his friend. Due to this small stupid move, the judge sentenced him for a half-a-half-year jail sentence.

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An idiot burglar

An American map implored and returned to the people's homes in the night. It usually entered their homes in the absence of people. One day it was known as the world's most culprit criminal. It is something that one day someone entered the dark of night, he stole his Facebook ID in the home computer so that he could check it. He forgot to close his account when he was returning. When the police started examination, he managed to reach him from his ID and was arrested and put in prison.

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